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  • Patrol

    A superb novel about the men who fought in the North African Campaign. Major Tim Sheldon is an infantry officer in North Africa. He has been on many patrols. Now they've asked him to go on one more - the longest and most dangerous of all.  He could beg off, but he wont... This is the story of Sheldon and his squad, of their nightmare war of lost nerves. In this book, you will meet men not unlike other men except they are at war, and lost, and alone. And you will witness the workings of a certain quality, a human mystery that makes men rise to things they never thought they could do. This book is about that one attribute.  
  • Giap's book is now an evergreen bestseller!
  • Immensely popular as a reference text for entrance examinations for over three decades, the book is an ideal companion to current events from around the globe. The book covers a gamut of subjects like sports, science, economics, and defence news. It also has a political section that critically examines national and international politics. This year the book has a section on the Russia Ukraine War. The book also carries a section on people who have mades across the world. Unbiased and well researched, the book is your trusted companion to developing an opinion on the world around you.  
  • A blistering narrative of an important battle in the Korean War, which lasted for 48 hours at a stretch.
  • What is etiquette? Is it different from protocol and good manners? How important is it in today’s world? Does one have to be taught or can one learn on their own? What is the right age to start teaching etiquette to children? Does it enhance a person’s qualifications and improve job prospects? How important is it for success in one’s profession or business? Does it help in making friends and influencing people? Is it relevant for those who live alone, have no family or friends and never go to parties? Is it as important in the home as in the work place? Does it improve family relationships? Will it make you a better human being?

    You will find answers to some of these important questions in this excellently researched book.

    Also, how often have you searched for answers to some of these questions:

    • Can a divorced woman continue to use the name of her ex-husband?
    • In invitation cards, should a woman’s name precede that of her husband?
    • Can titles such as Sir and Madam be used along with the name?
    • Can military officers continue to use their ranks after retirement?
    • If you want to know someone’s name, is it correct to ask “What is your good name?”
    • Can one say Good Morning or Good Evening when bidding farewell?”
    • What is the difference between enunciation and pronunciation?
    • What is the difference between ‘excuse me’, ‘beg your pardon’ and ‘I am sorry’?
    • What exactly is ‘small talk’? Is it the same as gossip?
    • During a meal at a restaurant or club, does the waiter serve from the left or right?
    • During a dinner party, are brandy and liqueurs served before or after the meal?
    • What is the difference between luncheon and lunch?
    • What is the difference between a sherwani and an achkan?
    • On a flight, can occupants of window and aisle seats use the hand rests of the middle seat?
    • When watching a play in a theatre, is it okay to clap during the performance?

    Find out all this and more in this book! Use the skills to get ahead in your personal as well as your professional life.

  • This edition marks the 120th Birth Anniversary Edition of this little gem on leadership that makes for mandatory reading for defence personnel across the world. The first section focuses on "Psychology and Morale" with ten chapters on the development of military psychology and how it is applied to morale, moral education, discipline and military values. Morale, accordingly to Copeland is the 'secret weapon' and he insists that 'physical superiority is not as important as moral superoirity." How then can this most desirable of human qualities be acquired? According to Copeland, it depends 'on an incalculable number of factors', the first and strongest of which he considers is good leadership. The seond section of this enlightening and well researched book talks about "psychology and leadership" - these next ten chapters focus on the role of the leader in the training and education of military individuals and units. Leadership is a way of life, acording to Copeland.
  • This is the best book on military psychology ever written!
  • This is a comprehensive and easy to read book on Military Law for officers in India.
  • This book calls for speed and stealth in military action. It states the case that in the emerging era of asymmetrical warfare, where threats emerge faster than we can expect and in a variety of ways, we need to be ready for a new form of warfare.
  • This unique and gorgeously produced book is composed of 108 paintings on acrylic as a humble attempt by eminent artists to bring out in a nutshell the devotion, philosophy and lyrical essence of the epic that sends out the message  of love, sacrifice and valour, depicting the classic along with the corresponding verses and their plain Hindi and English versions. The beauty of the artwork in tones of blue and orange bring out the story of the epic page by page. The book is a must have in every home and an ideal gift for loved ones.
  • Ranjit Singh

    Sinha's work brings together a mass of information on Ranjit Singh as a soldier, a great diplomat and an exemplary statesman. After the collapse of the Mughal Dynasty, Ranjit Singh, founder of the Sikh rule in Punjab, steered his ambition to expand Sikh power in the face of Afghans in North West India and the British East India Company. The book gives a detailed account of how Ranjit Singh navigated his relationship with the Afghans on the one hand and his Indian and British neighbours ( The East India Company) on the other. The author also meticulously lays out information on the government, institutions and policies under the rule of Ranjit Singh, inclduing an estimate of the Sikh military system. The Sikhs formed one of the most formidable mlitary powers in India.
  • Remote Sensing, No longer a novel technology, has served now for survey and mapping of natural resources for a great many years and in india for at least a decad. In india its principal and most useful applicatiopns have been in the identification of vegetation in tha mapping of surfave geological structures and the ground water exploration. This book presents in its earlier chapter much introductory material on the principles of remore sensing and contains descriptions of image interpratation methods. The later chapters discuss the techniques of computiontion and evaluation and also the application of the data for resource management.
  • This is a detailed account of the daily observations and recordings of the victory in South-east Asia against the Japanese and the great role of Maj-Gen Wingate. This book shows how the joint forces collaborated to achieve victory.
  • The book presents introductory material on the principles of remote sensing and contains descriptions of image interpretation methods. It discusses the techniques of computation and evaluation and also the application of the data for resource management.
  • "This volume addresses how the leadership of China and the PLA view what size of PLA best meets China’s requirements. Among other things, this analytical process makes important new contributions on the question of PLA transparency, long an issue among PLA watchers. A great deal of emphasis has been put on understanding not only how, but also why a military modernizes itself. Some of the determining factors are national policies and strategy, doctrine, organizational structure, missions, and service cultures."
  • ‘Roars and Trumpets’ is the story of a man’s life-long and obsessive passion for the jungles and his helpless surrender to the compelling call of the wild. Spanning a period of half a century, Gurpreet Singh’s love affair with the jungles of India begins in the North West Frontier Province in the pre-Partition days of the British Raj and ends in the forests of Assam, where he spent his entire working life as a tea-planter. The book conjures up a by-gone era, taking us back to the days of plenty, the never-ending stretches of wilderness, the vast jungles and the compulsive lure of the hunt where man and animal engage in a deathly game of survival and try to outwit each other. It is compulsory reading for all jungle lovers who have been hankering for hunting tales and jungle lore in the tradition of Jim Corbett and Kenneth Anderson.
  • Rod in India

    The book is aimed at naturalists and sportsmen alike and presents in simple language the natural history of fish found in India.The author has attempted to impart a love of Natural History to fisherman and to gain amongst them more friends for pisciculture in India. The book is considered to be a bible on Indian fishes and fishing in India. The text is accompanied with ninety-six illustrations to help you recognise easily what you have caught besides a chapter on fishing localities that one can go to, experiences anyone can have and knowledge that can be put to good use.
  • This is a beautiful leather bound large format limited edition of the Roget's thesuarus for book lovers.
  • This very unique book is a blend of travel writing mixed with a deep keenness to explore the mystery of the jungle and what lies behind the darkness of it. The author blends his travels to India's famous Corbett National Park with his understanding of the deeper meaning that the forests and their darkness hold. While on one hand the author shares his experiences of travels in the Park and information about the Park and its history, he also shares true stories of the supernatural, first hand experiences, anecdotes from residents and fellow travellers to raise questions in the mind of the reader - whats true and whats not - is there a higher power that controls situations as they occur or is it man's limitation at understanding the world beyond us.
  • It's a deft Hindi translation of Jim Corbett's most adventurous tale of his encounter with a very notorious leopard in Rudraprayag.
  • This book is the first independent assessment of the Sardar Sarovar Project. Its findings and conclusions are of significant importance to environment policies of the future.
  • This book contains the bare act alongwith the Tribal Rules.
  • "Conservationists might set out with very different objectives: preservation and recovery of rare and threatened species - as with rhinos or bustards, sustaining a steady supply of useful products for human use - as with fisheries, or even eliminating threats to human life of livelihood as in the case of rodent pests or man-eating tigers. None of these objectives, however, can be effectively met without a clear understanding of how wild populations of these species function. The necessary knowledge can come only from the application of rigorous science, which involves sampling, modeling and estimating animal populations. Even with such reliable knowledge in their armory, conservationists must face social challenges in application of this science on the ground and in the policy arenas, in which not everyone may share their goals or values. This volume contains 26 articles by the author written in collaboration with other leading biologists, quantitative ecologists and conservationists. It boldly explores a complex terrain that spans ecological theories to social practices. It is a useful guide for those practicing science-based conservation. "
  • "This book tells the real history of Adolf Hitler's doctors based on the remarkable secret diary of his physician Professor Dr. Theodor Morell and other papers. The Morell Diaries vanished in 1945. But turned up in 1981 in the National Institute of Health in Maryland in the United States of America which transferred them to the National Archives. Was Hitler clinically mad? What diseases laid him low in 1941 and 1944 - at crucial moments in his nation's history? British historian David Irving was the first to find, identify, transcribe, translate, and publish these vital records. The extraordinary diaries of Hitler's doctor and the accompanying dossier on his ""Patient A"" refute many wartime legends bout Nazi Germany's Dictator. "