Nature Conservation – Independent Indian Publishing House

Nature Conservation

/Nature Conservation
  • It's a deft Hindi translation of Jim Corbett's most adventurous tale of his encounter with a very notorious leopard in Rudraprayag.
  • An excellent translation of the evergreen "MY INDIA" by conservationist and naturalist, Jim Corbett.
  • Jim Corbett's books on man-eating tigers are not only established classics, but also almost in a separate literary category by themselves. "Man-Eaters of Kumaon" is the best known of his books.This is the hindi edition of the same.
  • ‘Roars and Trumpets’ is the story of a man’s life-long and obsessive passion for the jungles and his helpless surrender to the compelling call of the wild. Spanning a period of half a century, Gurpreet Singh’s love affair with the jungles of India begins in the North West Frontier Province in the pre-Partition days of the British Raj and ends in the forests of Assam, where he spent his entire working life as a tea-planter. The book conjures up a by-gone era, taking us back to the days of plenty, the never-ending stretches of wilderness, the vast jungles and the compulsive lure of the hunt where man and animal engage in a deathly game of survival and try to outwit each other. It is compulsory reading for all jungle lovers who have been hankering for hunting tales and jungle lore in the tradition of Jim Corbett and Kenneth Anderson.
  • This book is the first independent assessment of the Sardar Sarovar Project. Its findings and conclusions are of significant importance to environment policies of the future.
  • This book lays out the scientific , legal, political and cultural struggle to defend the sovereignty of biodiversity and indigenous knowledge. Corporate war on nature and people through patents and corporate Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) has unleashed an epidemic of biopiracy, including important legal battles of fighting biopiracy including neem, wheat and basmati which are synthesised in this book. It is the first detailed legal history of the international and national laws related to biodiverity and IPR. The attempt to 'enclose the commons of biodiversity and biodiversity related knowledge through patents and intellectual property rights ( IPRs) is the final step in the series of enclosures that began with the rise of colonialism. The recovery of the commons through the reocgnition of common creativity of nature and people, paves the way for a future beyond piracy and monopoly, it wakes us to the origins of life in nature and knowledge in culture. It sows the seeds of shared abundance.