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  • This book is an enthralling treasure house of exciting jungle trails.
  • General H. Norman Schwarzkopf, a distinguished army officer, led USA to victory in the First Gulf War. This book tells the story of his eventful life. A must read for all those interested in military history and stories of leadership.
  • "These and more important questions are answered in this book. How to be a Successful Leader has become a textbook on leadership in India. This unique book talks about strategies to help you identify your leadership strengths, achieve your goals and increase your self-confidence, become a team player and strengthen cooperation among associates, balance work and leisure, control your worries and charge your life. It is important for a leader to motivate other to excel, build the team's self-confidence, provoke positive change, set direction, encourage smart risk-taking, manage with tough empathy, credit others for one's own success, increase self-awareness, and most importantly draw strength from adversity. "
  • Written by an offcial of the British Raj, this an enjoyable accont of the jungles of Central India.
  • Howard's well known " Forect Pocket Book" provides a 'standard operating procedure' for field employees of the Forest Department towards the successful achievement of their objectives. The contents of the Pocket Book reval a wealth of field experience and painstaking devotion to the subject by the author.
  • This book poses a strong case against large dams and how they make way for dangerous earthquake hazards.
  • This is a real-life account of the most crucial battle against terrorism by Israel in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.
  • This book has been created with the idea of having a training manual in hindi on conservation and its implementation for the field. It raises all the important conservation concerns in Hindi and explains solutions and consequences. Written by one of India's leading foresters, it is a must have for all those working in conservation.
  • This excellently written book by wll known writer David Glantz challenges the time-honoured explanation that poor weather, bad terrain, and Hitler's faulty strateguc judgement produced German defeat, and reveals how the RED Army thwarted the German Army's dramatic and apparently inexorable invasion before it achieved its ambitious goals.
  • This book deals with Zahiruddin Babur's extraordinary journey from a pauper prince in distant Kabul to the founder of the Mughal Empire in India.
  • This book tells us the important role of Delhi in the Indian Independence movement. A tribute to Delhi on its hundreth year as the Indian capital.
  • Patrol

    A superb novel about the men who fought in the North African Campaign. Major Tim Sheldon is an infantry officer in North Africa. He has been on many patrols. Now they've asked him to go on one more - the longest and most dangerous of all.  He could beg off, but he wont... This is the story of Sheldon and his squad, of their nightmare war of lost nerves. In this book, you will meet men not unlike other men except they are at war, and lost, and alone. And you will witness the workings of a certain quality, a human mystery that makes men rise to things they never thought they could do. This book is about that one attribute.  
  • This ununsual and interesting illustrated book uses a simple yet effective method to teach young children the Hindi alphabet in a fun manner that is easy for them to remember, spell, speak and use. The book is just as useful for language teachers and instructors to refer to in the classroom to make language learning innovative and effective.
  • Known as the Father of India’s Space Programme, Vikram Sarabhai’s interests included space and nuclear energy, architecture, industry and business, institution building, management development, arts, music, and theatre. He was a scientist and an entrepreneur, an educator, and a businessman. When he passed away unexpectedly at the young age of 52, he left behind a legacy few can match, having set up internationally reputed institutions and organisations that have made India proud and put us on the world map. "Dr. Sarabhai was a young person with great wisdom. There is a French saying that "if age could do and youth had wisdom, it would be a wonderful combination". Vikram Sarabhai had that combination. He was a fine blend of the thinker and doer. No one can lead a meaningful life today without combining the two." – Indira Gandhi
  • The man eating tiger has speed, agility, muscle power, lightning reflexes and a ferocious killer instinct. It weighs 500 lb. The man has a cool head, a sure eye, a rifle and two brass cartridges. He weighs only 160 lb. The tiger growls, bursts out of the long grass, and launches itself . . .
    This was the drama that played out in the life of the legendary writer and conservationist, Jim Corbett, on several occasions. For him, the hunt was not about trophy tiger skins, or for the prestige of being a famous shikari – but to save lives when a man eater was on the rampage. Born in Kumaon, Corbett grew up in the jungle. He was well versed with its laws, and heunderstood its language. This hunter of the man eaters went on to become a die-hard conservationist, working to preserve and promote the majestic tiger. He harboured a great love for India and its people – of all castes and creeds, which is evident through all his writings.
    In a novel inspired by Jim Corbett's life and writings, author and conservationist, Harnihal Sidhu tells the epic tale of India’s most famous tiger hunter and conservationist. Corbett's journey was a difficult one, with moments of wild joy, suffering and heartbreak. 
    Burning Bright  is not a biography, a formal history or an academic study. It is a gripping tale told by a charmed storyteller, based on the life of a great man. Sometimes, the shortest road to the clearest view runs through the land of fiction.
  • "arranting immediate and long term solution.   This is an excellent book which throws light on mitigation measures to be adopted in elephant landscapes fragmented by varied land uses, including heavily used infrastructure.  This timely publication would be extremely useful for field managers, stakeholder departments and policy makers." - Dr. Rajesh Gopal

     India faces a serious challenge today towards long term in-situ conservation of the elephant population.  This is a timely publication as it explains issues related to elephant depredation in the human enclaves and fragmentation of elephant landscapes across the elephant range.  The Field Managers and policy makers would benefit from the studies on alternative cropping patterns as mitigation strategy in and around the forests where interspersion ratio of forests and crop lands is a major cause of elephant depredation.

    The book would be extremely useful for field managers, stake holders from different departments working in the elephant landscapes.  The challenge of increasing linear infrastructure through the forest landscapes is a serious one.  The book deals at length with the mitigation strategy to be adopted in linear projects like national highways, railways, irrigation projects, transmission lines, etc.  These strategies can be incorporated in the project right at the inception stage so as to reduce the impact on the wild life.  The designs of different mitigations explained in the book can be suitably changed to different landscapes in the country.
  • One of the best books on the Pacific Campaign of 1941-45.
  • "Speech is what distinguishes man from the apes – or so many scientists believe. Keith Laidler, a young anthropologist, was sceptical. It seemed to him that this was one more way in which man conceitedly over-estimated himself. In defiance of such prejudice, Laidler set about teaching a baby orangutan to talk. For a year and a half Cody was raised in ‘human’ conditions. He wore nappies, slept in a cot with a teddy bear and played games. As Laidler had hoped, Cody’s physical and intellectual development kept pace with - sometimes outstripped - that of a human baby. But how was his teacher to make Cody understand that he wanted him to ‘talk’? Slowly, patiently, Laidler devised ways of getting the young ape to imitate his own movements and sounds. And to his delight, once Cody grasped what was expected of him, his progress was astonishing. Keith Laidler has written a fascinating, funny and moving account of his life with Cody. His ‘experiment’ provided the scientific establishment with controversial new material. But perhaps a more significant outcome was the bond of affection that developed between the man and the young ape as they worked and played together: a bond which all animal-lovers will understand, and which defies all those who doubt the sensitivity of ‘dumb animals’. "
  • Major John howard's name will long be remembered and revered for his daring and charismatic leadership of the sensational and important coup de main Pegasus Bridge operation. The Pegasus Diaries make the fullest use of John Howard's writing with significant input from his daughter Penny Bates. We are left to judge him on his merits but, whatever the verdict; there is no denying his courage, achivements, honesty and humanity.
  • "This book tells the real history of Adolf Hitler's doctors based on the remarkable secret diary of his physician Professor Dr. Theodor Morell and other papers. The Morell Diaries vanished in 1945. But turned up in 1981 in the National Institute of Health in Maryland in the United States of America which transferred them to the National Archives. Was Hitler clinically mad? What diseases laid him low in 1941 and 1944 - at crucial moments in his nation's history? British historian David Irving was the first to find, identify, transcribe, translate, and publish these vital records. The extraordinary diaries of Hitler's doctor and the accompanying dossier on his ""Patient A"" refute many wartime legends bout Nazi Germany's Dictator. "
  • The renowned writer Compton Mackenzie sets out on the uneasy and difficult task to define moral courage in this intellectually stimulating read.
  • This is an elegant coffee-table book in black and white of quotations by and on Mahatma Gandhi. It also has quotations by people on Gandhi who met him. It is interspersed with photographs from the Gandhi archives in New Delhi. Its an inspirational book for all with a foreword by His Holiness the Dalai Lama.
  • From his abode in the mountains in the foothills of the Himalaya, India's most loved author,  Ruskin Bond has observed the beauty and serenity of nature, unspoilt. For over sixty years, the mountains, forests, birds and animals have inspired innumerable stories and tales by India’s favourite author. In this book, a selection of his most insightful, informed, wise and witty writings about nature are brought to life by a collection of watercolour illustrations by artist Prenita Dutt. If you had ever forgotten that humans too are creatures of nature, this book will reconnect you to your habitat. Nature, through Bond’s delightful words, will educate and enlighten.