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  • A vivid yet insightful view of what the Global War on Terror really means in Afghanistan's unforgiving mountains and churning cities. Sean Maloney's combination of on-the-ground experience in Afghanistan and his background as an experienced military historian and analyst brings real insight to the fascinating and strategically vital situation. It has been a new world since 9/11, and Sean Maloney has expertly chronicled a part of it. This is the story written from the frontline, not the academic desk, by a Canadian with much experience of the emerging nature of conflict worldwide.
  • The true story of a forest conservator who brought up a tigress, Khairi, just like his own daughter.
  • The continuum of tactical victory followed by strategic failur has been the baneful pattern of India's handing of vital security related issues since indepandence. Kargil: Blood of the Snow is a comprehensivemilitary analysis, focusing on this issue.
  • Travel back to lesser known, but vitally important chapters of India's war history dating from the 13th century to the 19th century in this expansive book. The author, an armed forces veteran and scholar, carefully selects befitting battles and explains their importance not just in India's history but also India's present. Filled with interesting diagrams and fascinating maps, this book provides great lessons and insights for today's strategists and leaders, whether in the military or outside. It is also a historian's delight as it revisits an unexamined past with great flair and high quality analysis.
  • Nature writing at its best! This book is the perfect addition to every mountain lover's bookshelf. In 1931, a party of British mountaineers—including Frank S. Smythe—on their way back from a successful ascent of Mount Kamet, were looking for shelter from inclement weather in the wilderness above Joshimath in present-day Uttarakhand. They chanced upon the lush and colourful Bhyundar Valley, the Valley of Flowers. In the monsoon of 1937, Smythe returned to the Valley with four Tibetans from Darjeeling. On this adventure, Smythe extensively explored the Valley, identifying and collecting flowers and seeds from among the wealth of plant life. He and his friends also scaled the Nilgiri Parbat and the Mana Peak and were defeated by Mount Rataban. Beset by the rains, the party was nearly always soggy and, once, an Abominable Snowman gave them the fright of their lives. Yet, these were but minor prices to pay for the privilege of witnessing the Himalaya in its infinite variety and for a great deal of time usefully spent ruminating on the joys of idleness. "For solitude in the Valley of Flowers taught me the insignificance and incapacity for happiness of thought as compared with a meditation that knows no intellectual limitations, but is content to accept with childlike faith and delight the infinite beauties and granduers of the universe."
  • On War

    On War has been a staple text for military generals who have led their armies in battlefield across centuries since its first publication in 1832. It is also an essential rule book to achieve success in any field and thus remains a classic.
  • This is an expose on China’s conspiracy to destroy America as it is in China’s interest to be the supreme super power, economically, militarily and geographically.
  • This is the full story of the military operations in Jammu and Kashmir during 1947-48, undertaken to save that Princely state, which had acceded to the Union of India, from a brutal invasion from Pakistan. The year long campaign saw many triumphs and tragedies, which are narrated objectively and in detail. The Indian Army and Air Force, just emerging from the throes of Partition, and still in the process of reorganisation, emerged from this ordeal with added brilliance and a brighter halo. It is an inspiring saga of heroism, devotion to duty, scarifice and professional competence. Based on careful and exhaustaive research in secret government records, the book analyses the operations and presents the story  in simple, non-technical langauge. It should prove invaluable for the intelligensia, the journalist, the reading public as well as the man in uniform.    
  • The Doon Valley, distinguished by its singular beauty and by the excllence of its many instuttions has won for itself a place of pre-eminence in the history of India. While its origins as a habitation are shrouded in the mists of time, it holds a place in folklore, legend and mythology. It appears firmly rooted in chronicled history only late in the sixteenth century. Thereafter myths  give way to real historical figures and their combats with clash of steel and the bark of muskets as they strive for possession of this fertile valley. Replete with delightful anecdotes and lavish in its praise of the natural beauty of the valley, this book is a perfect addition to every Doon lover's bookshelf.
  • Liddell Hart set out to cover T E Lawrence and the Arab Revolt but as his research grew and his interaction with Lawrence increased, so did the scope of this remarkable biography. What emerged was a man of reflection, of action, liked by many and disliked by many - but as Liddell Hart writes, that is true for any outstanding figure of his time and Lawrence did stand tall, in all that he achieved and in the decisions he took. And what binds both categories of viewpoints on Lawrence is a common admiration for him. The book talks about his achievements, character, and qualities of leadership. It is a testimony to his transcendent powers. Since Liddell Hart is a military historian, the book is a parallel account of the psychology of a warrior, with timeless lessons for officers today.
  • First published in 1964,'Call of the Tiger' by Lt. Col. M.M. Ismail comes at a time when the era of hunting has receded into history, leaving books like it to provide a glimpse of days past. Set in the 1950s, these gripping tales serve as reminder of what the forests of Central India were like when wildlife was more plentiful and widespread that it is today.
  • All the detailed customs and traditions in the Indian Army are put together in this book in simple and lucid language.
  • This book narrates the saga of the nail-biting 100-hour battle for Golan Heights between Israel and Syria.
  • The moral strength of the fighting soldier and the spirit to stand up in the face of the enemy despite the threat to one’s life – is what makes on a soldier. This book discusses the tenets of such willpower and how to fight fear.
  • This book serves as a reference guide on forest engineering which is the foundation of the superstructure of the successful management of forests.
  • "General Giap, the mastermind of the French defeat at Din Bin Phu and War Minister for North Vietnam during the years of American involvement, was a unique leader and s strategiest of guerilla warfare. This book is based on source material relating to Giap's early participation in the Communist movement, his activities during The Second World War and his leadership of the armed force of the armed force of the Viet Minh against the French. The author assesses Giap not only ex post facto by what his plans actually achieved, but also by the quality of the decisions which he took as first step in achieving a military result. An attempt has been made to provide a comparison of facts from which value judgements may be made. "
  • This controversial book, written by Brigadier J P Dalvi, laid bare the caustic truth behind Indian crushing defeat in the hands of China in 1962.
  • A fascinating autobiography of the master tactician and the Soviet hero of World War II.
  • This book is one of the best books written on the 1965 war.It offers a comprehensive understanding of the roots of Indo-Pak conflict. Fcousing on the 1965 war, this book begins with discussing the game plan of the major world powers that affected the Indo-Pak War. It offiers a very useful and informative account of the lineage, growth, weaponry, ethos, and operational doctrines of the Armies and Air Forces of India and Pakistan. The easy style and quick pace of the book make it stand out among other books on the war.
  • Here is the story of a hero , the story of young Jonathan, the Commander of the Entebbe Rescue Force, who gave up his life in Operation Thunderbolt to rescue passengers of the plane hijacked by international terrorists.
  • This book, covering the European part of the Second World War, stands as one of the masterpieces of military history.
  • This book is an erudite and intimate illustration of the glorious career of General Thimayya by his close associate and comrade-in-arms.