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  • War in Malaya

    The war in Malaya is important as it was the first large scale campaign to be fought within British or British protected territory. It was also the first experience of a campaign fought with modern weapons in jungle warfare conditions.
  • Unparalleled in scope and study, this book is a must on every naturalist’s bookshelf. It documents the nature and habitat on wildlife in India.
  • "A Wonderful Concept." - RUSKIN BOND LEARNING ABOUT INDIA WAS NEVER SO MUCH FUN!   They say a picture is worth a thousand words. We agree. We say that a single alphabet is worth a hundred words. You will agree. "INDIA:An Alphabet Ride" uses illustrations and A, B, C to tell you everything you neded to know about the country without the boredom of formal textbooks. Get ready for a thrilling ride through India's states and cities, visit its heritage sites, learn about its customs, tast the diverse food and dance to its many festivals and sounds.
  • Known as the Father of India’s Space Programme, Vikram Sarabhai’s interests included space and nuclear energy, architecture, industry and business, institution building, management development, arts, music, and theatre. He was a scientist and an entrepreneur, an educator, and a businessman. When he passed away unexpectedly at the young age of 52, he left behind a legacy few can match, having set up internationally reputed institutions and organisations that have made India proud and put us on the world map. "Dr. Sarabhai was a young person with great wisdom. There is a French saying that "if age could do and youth had wisdom, it would be a wonderful combination". Vikram Sarabhai had that combination. He was a fine blend of the thinker and doer. No one can lead a meaningful life today without combining the two." – Indira Gandhi
  • This edition marks the 120th Birth Anniversary Edition of this little gem on leadership that makes for mandatory reading for defence personnel across the world. The first section focuses on "Psychology and Morale" with ten chapters on the development of military psychology and how it is applied to morale, moral education, discipline and military values. Morale, accordingly to Copeland is the 'secret weapon' and he insists that 'physical superiority is not as important as moral superoirity." How then can this most desirable of human qualities be acquired? According to Copeland, it depends 'on an incalculable number of factors', the first and strongest of which he considers is good leadership. The seond section of this enlightening and well researched book talks about "psychology and leadership" - these next ten chapters focus on the role of the leader in the training and education of military individuals and units. Leadership is a way of life, acording to Copeland.
  • This book tells us the important role of Delhi in the Indian Independence movement. A tribute to Delhi on its hundreth year as the Indian capital.
  • The continuum of tactical victory followed by strategic failur has been the baneful pattern of India's handing of vital security related issues since indepandence. Kargil: Blood of the Snow is a comprehensivemilitary analysis, focusing on this issue.
  • "The Duels of the Himalayan Eagle describes the First Air War between India and Pakistan. Commencing from an analysis of the two air force and their concept of operations, every significant aerial and ground engagement has been covered in detail. These include Pakistani raids on Pathankot and Kalaikunda, Indian ventures into Sargodha, Badin and Peshawar as well as various aerial engagements. These stories are based on the narratives of the air warriors involved in the operations or records maintained on a daily basis in the squadron diaries by various units during the period of the war. Pakistani disastrous Para drops near Paathnkot, Adampur and Halwara in the West and Guwahati in the East have been covered in detail. The travails narrates by seven air warriors who became POWs have also been included. Finally, the author has dissected the entire air war and has put down his own conclusions- probably the first such attempt by an Indian author. "
  • Gen Bayo is the man famou for training Castro and Guevara in the art of guerrilla tactics. This simple yet powerful book in a question answer format is ideal for anyone looking to understand how to combat guerrilla techniques and emerge victorious.
  • Prenita is an artist inspired by nature. She makes jottings as she paints in her journals on a daily basis. This book is a collection of some of her learnings about life from nature. It has her artworks interspersed with her musings - they are simple, heart-warming, wise and witty, for you and me to dip into anytime for some real food for the soul. &nbsp
  • This enchanting book is about a young woman's journey through India. If you liked 'Eat, Pray,Love", this book is for you! This book tells of her journey within and without as she not only discovered India but herself as well.
  • Maneuver warfare can be thought of as military judo. Its about fighting smart, out thinking your opponent. It offers the fighting soldier the best hope of winning battles, campaigns and wars they may face in the future.
  • This biography movingly protrays the planning and implementation behind the greatest invasion the world has ever known - Operation Overlord.He describes the whole plan behind D Day and the battle of Normandy.
  • Here is the official report of the Pakistan army for the 1947-49 operations.
  • The 1965 conflict between India and Pakistan may not rank among major wars, but within their limited resources, the two nations did manage to fight each other to a standstill. This book has perspective as well as detail. Major General Shaukat Riza visualises each aspect of the war in its entirety and does justice to al the operations carried out in course of the war.
  • The Officer as a Leader is remarkable book on military leadership, wherein the author discusses the psychology of a leader and what it takes to be one. In this now famous book, he points out the thirteen mistakes that every leader should avoid that are now as well known in Armies across the world as are the Ten Commandments
  • One of Vandana Shiva’s most popular books of all time, this book adds to the world wide debate on sustainbale development and North vs South.
  • What is etiquette? Is it different from protocol and good manners? How important is it in today’s world? Does one have to be taught or can one learn on their own? What is the right age to start teaching etiquette to children? Does it enhance a person’s qualifications and improve job prospects? How important is it for success in one’s profession or business? Does it help in making friends and influencing people? Is it relevant for those who live alone, have no family or friends and never go to parties? Is it as important in the home as in the work place? Does it improve family relationships? Will it make you a better human being?

    You will find answers to some of these important questions in this excellently researched book.

    Also, how often have you searched for answers to some of these questions:

    • Can a divorced woman continue to use the name of her ex-husband?
    • In invitation cards, should a woman’s name precede that of her husband?
    • Can titles such as Sir and Madam be used along with the name?
    • Can military officers continue to use their ranks after retirement?
    • If you want to know someone’s name, is it correct to ask “What is your good name?”
    • Can one say Good Morning or Good Evening when bidding farewell?”
    • What is the difference between enunciation and pronunciation?
    • What is the difference between ‘excuse me’, ‘beg your pardon’ and ‘I am sorry’?
    • What exactly is ‘small talk’? Is it the same as gossip?
    • During a meal at a restaurant or club, does the waiter serve from the left or right?
    • During a dinner party, are brandy and liqueurs served before or after the meal?
    • What is the difference between luncheon and lunch?
    • What is the difference between a sherwani and an achkan?
    • On a flight, can occupants of window and aisle seats use the hand rests of the middle seat?
    • When watching a play in a theatre, is it okay to clap during the performance?

    Find out all this and more in this book! Use the skills to get ahead in your personal as well as your professional life.

  • Kargil: The Tables Turned provides a comprehensive review of past motivations and events; it covers the operational aspects of the 1999 war in their entirety and highlights the heroism, amd sacrofoce of the young officers and soldiers of the Indian Armed Forces.It brings out useful military lessons and perspectives. The book analyses India's political and diplomatic responses, and the role of the USA, China and G-8 concluding chapter speculates on the future of Indo-pak relations and highlights some unique aspects of this South Asian conflict.
  • Bhitarkanika is one of India's most exciting biodiversity regions. This book focuses on it as a case study to understand protection and conservation efforts.
  • This book contains the recently formulated and well envisioned Biological Diversity Act. It also contains important rules and an essay on Biodiversity Conservation in India.
  • First published in 1964,'Call of the Tiger' by Lt. Col. M.M. Ismail comes at a time when the era of hunting has receded into history, leaving books like it to provide a glimpse of days past. Set in the 1950s, these gripping tales serve as reminder of what the forests of Central India were like when wildlife was more plentiful and widespread that it is today.
  • "Tigers have an inherent habit to move across landscapes. To facilitate such movements, corridors are essential. Lack of corridors connecting landscapes result in fatal human-tiger conflict, where, in most cases, it is the tiger which suffer. It has been proven that tiger population is determined by the carrying capacity of the tiger reserve. These is a great need for the connectivity of smaller population with larger population of tigers for their persistence in the future. The persistence of small population with habitat corridors in a metapopulation framework is the best management option for conservation of tigers in the long term. The population dynamic of tigers thus depends on the quality of good and poor habitats, known as the source and sink dynamics. This book emphasises on the need to evaluate and develop a mitigation strategy for maintaining metapopulation structures of tigers in the priority landscapes. The green infrastructure concept factors the importance of natural environment in land use planning. In the context of tiger landscapes in India, this will encompass a large number of tiger reserves, protected areas, corridors which create a system of 'hubs' and 'links'. The green development in a tiger landscape spreading across multiple jurisdictions. "