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  • This is an expose on China’s conspiracy to destroy America as it is in China’s interest to be the supreme super power, economically, militarily and geographically.
  • This book reflects on the genesis of terrorism in India and how it took shape. It is essential reading for anyone who wants to understand current issues and the nature of terrorism today.
  • This volume seeks to put the twenty-two day war in proper perspective and takes stock of the fighting, in so far as it is permissible, evaluating its political and military impact on the Indo-Pakistan subcontinent, eliminating mis-emphasis and arriving at a sober assessment of the fateful events.
  • Former Information Commisioner, Dr Tolia looks at the impact of RTI and how it has led and can lead to transparency in governance.
  • This book is an enjoyable romp through the jungles of India, with a man who knows it all!
  • This kind of War has been studied by two generations of soldiers. Fehrenbach describes good decisions and bad ones with insight and expertise. But what he does best of all and what is so memorable, is his eloquent, sometimes painful description of the Gls who must bear the vurden of those decisions. That is the awful beauty of this book - it cuts straight to the heart of all the political and military errors, and reveals the brave souls who have to bleed and die for mistakes made. A timely reissue of a military classic. Theodore Reed Fehrenbach, Jr. was an American historian, columnist, and the former head of the Texas Historical Commission (1987-1991). He graduated from Princeton University in 1947, and had published more than twenty books, including the best seller Lone Star: A History of Texas and Texans and This Kind of War, about the Korean War.
    Although he served as a U.S. Army officer during the Korean War, his own service is not mentioned in the book. Fehrenbach also wrote for Esquire, The Atlantic, The Saturday Evening Post, and The New Republic. He was known as an authority on Texas, Mexico, and the Comanche people. For almost 30 years, he wrote a weekly column on Sundays for the San Antonio Express-News. T.R. Fehrenbach was 88 years old at the time of his death.
  • This book is an erudite and intimate illustration of the glorious career of General Thimayya by his close associate and comrade-in-arms.
  • "There comes a time for each of us to tell a story. At 94, Amir Ali recalls the carefree days of his youth at the Doon School and life as the nephew of the famous ornithologist Salim Ali. He recollects picturesque picnics at mystical Kihim, the struggles of his brother Saad, a freedom fighter who spent years in jail and the widespread sympathy Aamir received in London and Bangkok, Montreal and New York, when Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated. Aamir Ali's passion for climbing captures the magnetic allure of the Himalaya and the Alps. This book is a collection of charming memoirs of the east and the west, of families and relatives, of tradition and modernity and the adventures along the journey called life. "
  • This book provides the composite story of the Burma campaign. The author has explained the important aspect of operations in logical sequence and in lucid style, bringing out clearly the application of the principles of war. All the chapters in this book have been well arranged and give a continuous picture of the many events as they took place. The strategic, tactical and administrative problems that were tackled have also been well brought out. The factual information in this book and large numbers of maps and sketches will be useful to students of military history, particularly to those preparing for their promotion and Staff College Entrance examinations. This book also carries a well-researched and concise biography of Field-Marshal Viscount Slim.
  • Nature writing at its best! This book is the perfect addition to every mountain lover's bookshelf. In 1931, a party of British mountaineers—including Frank S. Smythe—on their way back from a successful ascent of Mount Kamet, were looking for shelter from inclement weather in the wilderness above Joshimath in present-day Uttarakhand. They chanced upon the lush and colourful Bhyundar Valley, the Valley of Flowers. In the monsoon of 1937, Smythe returned to the Valley with four Tibetans from Darjeeling. On this adventure, Smythe extensively explored the Valley, identifying and collecting flowers and seeds from among the wealth of plant life. He and his friends also scaled the Nilgiri Parbat and the Mana Peak and were defeated by Mount Rataban. Beset by the rains, the party was nearly always soggy and, once, an Abominable Snowman gave them the fright of their lives. Yet, these were but minor prices to pay for the privilege of witnessing the Himalaya in its infinite variety and for a great deal of time usefully spent ruminating on the joys of idleness. "For solitude in the Valley of Flowers taught me the insignificance and incapacity for happiness of thought as compared with a meditation that knows no intellectual limitations, but is content to accept with childlike faith and delight the infinite beauties and granduers of the universe."
  • Superlative illustrations with a simple, yet touching fable told in rhyme by National Award winning film maker Sagari Chhabra, this book  is sure to touch the hearts of children worldwide.
  • "Speech is what distinguishes man from the apes – or so many scientists believe. Keith Laidler, a young anthropologist, was sceptical. It seemed to him that this was one more way in which man conceitedly over-estimated himself. In defiance of such prejudice, Laidler set about teaching a baby orangutan to talk. For a year and a half Cody was raised in ‘human’ conditions. He wore nappies, slept in a cot with a teddy bear and played games. As Laidler had hoped, Cody’s physical and intellectual development kept pace with - sometimes outstripped - that of a human baby. But how was his teacher to make Cody understand that he wanted him to ‘talk’? Slowly, patiently, Laidler devised ways of getting the young ape to imitate his own movements and sounds. And to his delight, once Cody grasped what was expected of him, his progress was astonishing. Keith Laidler has written a fascinating, funny and moving account of his life with Cody. His ‘experiment’ provided the scientific establishment with controversial new material. But perhaps a more significant outcome was the bond of affection that developed between the man and the young ape as they worked and played together: a bond which all animal-lovers will understand, and which defies all those who doubt the sensitivity of ‘dumb animals’. "
  • This book is a unique and unusual blend of field work, anecdotes, observations and research on the lessor known behaviour patterns of Asian elephants. Written in an easy style, the book is of equal interest to the expert and the layperson. The author, a scientist, spent more than a decade observing elephants in Rajaji National Park, in India. The behaviour patterns documented in this book reflect the changing habitat and ecosystem, raising questions, and observations on new management techniques needed to address conservation challenges for wildlife in India. Praise for the book: This is an excellent book. Having worked with African elephants all my life, I can see the similarities and differences between the African and the Asian elephants. I liked the way Ritesh has combined statistics and research with stories. -Dr. Cynthia Moss, Director, Amboseli Trust for Elephants, Nairobi
  • Major John howard's name will long be remembered and revered for his daring and charismatic leadership of the sensational and important coup de main Pegasus Bridge operation. The Pegasus Diaries make the fullest use of John Howard's writing with significant input from his daughter Penny Bates. We are left to judge him on his merits but, whatever the verdict; there is no denying his courage, achivements, honesty and humanity.
  • The Officer as a Leader is remarkable book on military leadership, wherein the author discusses the psychology of a leader and what it takes to be one. In this now famous book, he points out the thirteen mistakes that every leader should avoid that are now as well known in Armies across the world as are the Ten Commandments
  • Are human truths as immutable and constant as the law of Newton or are human phenomena subjective in interpretation, varying therefore according to the biases of differing viewpoints. It is possible, concludes D'Souza, in this wide ranging work, to find objectivity in the analysis of human matters and thus freedom from the vagaries of interpretation, in the survival impulse. This impulse, primitive and almost biological in its origin, serves as a most satisfactory explanation of all human phenomena.
  • "This book provides a detailed account of the Indo-Pak War of 1971 as maintained in the Indian government's military history records. It is being made available to the public for the first time after the declassification of sensitive military record in 2005. These records include war diaries maintained by the units and higher formations of the Indian Armed Forces, notes of officers who fought in the war, interviews, accounts as learnt from Generals on both sides, official reports, journals, and gazetteers. This book shall be useful to officers of the Defence Forces for study, to military analysts and enthusiasts, and to all those who have an interest in understanding the roots of relations between India and Pakistan. "
  • This book provides a detailed account of the Indo-Pak War of 1965 as maintained in the Indian government's military history records. It is being made available to the public for the first time after the declassification of sensitive military records in 2005. These records include war diaries, maintained by the units and higher formations of the Indian Armed Forces, notes of officers who fought in the war, interviews, accounts as learnt from Generals on both sides, official reports, journals and gazetteers.
  • "Would you believe it if you were told that a lot of all that appetizing, supposedly nutritious food you enjoy eating so much is actually slowly, stealthily poisoning you, your children, the earth's entire environment? Chances are you won't believe it. The truth is, its happening on an ever large scale But how is that possible? In this book, a chef and scientist blow the lid off a huge, shameful conspiracy. Can this major threat to our health and that of the planet be combated? Yes, it can, but only if you become aware of how you're being cheated, of how several scientists, officials, pharmaceutical and other companies, even sections of the media, blinded by big money are conniving and misrepresenting facts, wantonly destroying in one stroke the bounties of nature's precious heritage and endangering the very future of planet earth. The Great Health Scam brings you the real, shocking story..... "
  • "The Duels of the Himalayan Eagle describes the First Air War between India and Pakistan. Commencing from an analysis of the two air force and their concept of operations, every significant aerial and ground engagement has been covered in detail. These include Pakistani raids on Pathankot and Kalaikunda, Indian ventures into Sargodha, Badin and Peshawar as well as various aerial engagements. These stories are based on the narratives of the air warriors involved in the operations or records maintained on a daily basis in the squadron diaries by various units during the period of the war. Pakistani disastrous Para drops near Paathnkot, Adampur and Halwara in the West and Guwahati in the East have been covered in detail. The travails narrates by seven air warriors who became POWs have also been included. Finally, the author has dissected the entire air war and has put down his own conclusions- probably the first such attempt by an Indian author. "
  • In December 1971, one of Pakistan's most decorated officers. Lt.-Gen.A.A.K. Niazi, laid down arms before the invading Indian army, leading to the dismemberment of Pakistan. Was Tiger Niazi a coward, a hero, or the victim of an unjust fate? In this candid account of General Niazi breaks 26 years of silence and volunteers his own version of the events of that fateful year.
  • This two-thousand year old book still continues to inspire military as well as civilians alike even today. The Natraj edition is compact and attractive, easy to read and to have on your personal bookshelf.
  • This book provides a simple outline of the Arab-Israeli Wars 1967-1973 with clear maps and also provides a biography of General Moshe Dayan for students for easy study.
  • The Nobel laureate and the greatest British Statesman of wartime Britain Winston Churchill tries to analyse one of the most important events in the history of the world: the American Civil War.