Maj. Gen. Ashok Krishna – Independent Indian Publishing House

Maj. Gen. Ashok Krishna

/Maj. Gen. Ashok Krishna
  • The continuum of tactical victory followed by strategic failur has been the baneful pattern of India's handing of vital security related issues since indepandence. Kargil: Blood of the Snow is a comprehensivemilitary analysis, focusing on this issue.
  • Kargil: The Tables Turned provides a comprehensive review of past motivations and events; it covers the operational aspects of the 1999 war in their entirety and highlights the heroism, amd sacrofoce of the young officers and soldiers of the Indian Armed Forces.It brings out useful military lessons and perspectives. The book analyses India's political and diplomatic responses, and the role of the USA, China and G-8 concluding chapter speculates on the future of Indo-pak relations and highlights some unique aspects of this South Asian conflict.