Military History – Independent Indian Publishing House

Military History

/Military History
  • This book is the official history of the operations in World World 2 as per the Brtish records.
  • The war in Afghanistan has become one of the most complex, challenging operations in the history of the US military. Using first-hand account of the men and women who fought in Operation Enduring Freedom, this book presents an intensely personal history of the war in Afghanistan, revealing the determination, heroism, sacrifice, and strength of spirit that came to form the fabric of the conflict. From the grand strategic view of high level commanders, to the perspective through the soldier's gunsight, the truck driver's window, and the airman's cockpit, this is a fascinating and moving look at America's longest war.
  • This kind of War has been studied by two generations of soldiers. Fehrenbach describes good decisions and bad ones with insight and expertise. But what he does best of all and what is so memorable, is his eloquent, sometimes painful description of the Gls who must bear the vurden of those decisions. That is the awful beauty of this book - it cuts straight to the heart of all the political and military errors, and reveals the brave souls who have to bleed and die for mistakes made. A timely reissue of a military classic. Theodore Reed Fehrenbach, Jr. was an American historian, columnist, and the former head of the Texas Historical Commission (1987-1991). He graduated from Princeton University in 1947, and had published more than twenty books, including the best seller Lone Star: A History of Texas and Texans and This Kind of War, about the Korean War.
    Although he served as a U.S. Army officer during the Korean War, his own service is not mentioned in the book. Fehrenbach also wrote for Esquire, The Atlantic, The Saturday Evening Post, and The New Republic. He was known as an authority on Texas, Mexico, and the Comanche people. For almost 30 years, he wrote a weekly column on Sundays for the San Antonio Express-News. T.R. Fehrenbach was 88 years old at the time of his death.
  • In December 1971, one of Pakistan's most decorated officers. Lt.-Gen.A.A.K. Niazi, laid down arms before the invading Indian army, leading to the dismemberment of Pakistan. Was Tiger Niazi a coward, a hero, or the victim of an unjust fate? In this candid account of General Niazi breaks 26 years of silence and volunteers his own version of the events of that fateful year.
  • The author's deep knowledge and understanding of the war in India and Burma, and the great battles of Kohima and Imphal in 1944 are well known. Here, he uses original documents, published works, personal accounts and interviews with veterans in Britain, India and Japan to weave together an enthralling account of some of the bitterest fighting of the Second World war.
  • "This book provides a detailed account of the Indo-Pak War of 1971 as maintained in the Indian government's military history records. It is being made available to the public for the first time after the declassification of sensitive military record in 2005. These records include war diaries maintained by the units and higher formations of the Indian Armed Forces, notes of officers who fought in the war, interviews, accounts as learnt from Generals on both sides, official reports, journals, and gazetteers. This book shall be useful to officers of the Defence Forces for study, to military analysts and enthusiasts, and to all those who have an interest in understanding the roots of relations between India and Pakistan. "
  • This is a book that focusses on two most hard-fought battles in the Indo-Pak war of 1965. This is that kind of book that has the capacity to move all nation-loving Indians.
  • Israeli Army

    Written between 1968 and 1973, begun in the aftermath of a great victory and completed at a time of renewed war, this book is an attempt to explain the phenomenon of the Isreali Army. There is much to understand. In the span of a single generation, a people that once had no soldiers has become a nation of soldiers, creating in the process an Army which, in 1973, sent into battle the third largest tank force and the sixth largest air force in the Western World. Unlike almost all other new armies, the Israeli Army did not grow out of colonial regiments nor did it receive its military expertise ready-made from foreign instruction as its neighbours have done and are still doing. Instead, through trial and error, through experimentation and debate, the Israelis have taught themselves virtually everything they know, from basic infantry skills to intricacies of air combat. Sometimes very advanced and highly effective, sometimes, merely different, and in some cases perhaps backward, the Army's doctrines, tactics and structures are all the original creations of the Israelis themselves, a nation of 650,000 in 1981 and even now fewer than three million. Among the lesser powers, this is a unique achievement. This book is neither a history of the Israeli Army, nor a history of Isreal's wars. Its central focus is on the men and the ideas that have shaped the powerful and invincible Israeli defence.
  • The continuum of tactical victory followed by strategic failur has been the baneful pattern of India's handing of vital security related issues since indepandence. Kargil: Blood of the Snow is a comprehensivemilitary analysis, focusing on this issue.
  • Travel back to lesser known, but vitally important chapters of India's war history dating from the 13th century to the 19th century in this expansive book. The author, an armed forces veteran and scholar, carefully selects befitting battles and explains their importance not just in India's history but also India's present. Filled with interesting diagrams and fascinating maps, this book provides great lessons and insights for today's strategists and leaders, whether in the military or outside. It is also a historian's delight as it revisits an unexamined past with great flair and high quality analysis.
  • On War

    On War has been a staple text for military generals who have led their armies in battlefield across centuries since its first publication in 1832. It is also an essential rule book to achieve success in any field and thus remains a classic.
  • Here is the story of a hero , the story of young Jonathan, the Commander of the Entebbe Rescue Force, who gave up his life in Operation Thunderbolt to rescue passengers of the plane hijacked by international terrorists.
  • "This book tells the real history of Adolf Hitler's doctors based on the remarkable secret diary of his physician Professor Dr. Theodor Morell and other papers. The Morell Diaries vanished in 1945. But turned up in 1981 in the National Institute of Health in Maryland in the United States of America which transferred them to the National Archives. Was Hitler clinically mad? What diseases laid him low in 1941 and 1944 - at crucial moments in his nation's history? British historian David Irving was the first to find, identify, transcribe, translate, and publish these vital records. The extraordinary diaries of Hitler's doctor and the accompanying dossier on his ""Patient A"" refute many wartime legends bout Nazi Germany's Dictator. "
  • Major John howard's name will long be remembered and revered for his daring and charismatic leadership of the sensational and important coup de main Pegasus Bridge operation. The Pegasus Diaries make the fullest use of John Howard's writing with significant input from his daughter Penny Bates. We are left to judge him on his merits but, whatever the verdict; there is no denying his courage, achivements, honesty and humanity.
  • One of the best books on the Pacific Campaign of 1941-45.
  • This excellently written book by wll known writer David Glantz challenges the time-honoured explanation that poor weather, bad terrain, and Hitler's faulty strateguc judgement produced German defeat, and reveals how the RED Army thwarted the German Army's dramatic and apparently inexorable invasion before it achieved its ambitious goals.
  • This is a real-life account of the most crucial battle against terrorism by Israel in the 1973 Yom Kippur War.
  • The Officer as a Leader is remarkable book on military leadership, wherein the author discusses the psychology of a leader and what it takes to be one. In this now famous book, he points out the thirteen mistakes that every leader should avoid that are now as well known in Armies across the world as are the Ten Commandments
  • Battle for Italy was one the most gruelling and exhausting fights that took place in the course of the Second World War. This book brilliantly holds the reader's attention from the start of the confrontation to its eventual finish.
  • This is an intimate biography of the hero of Kargil, Captain Vikram Batra. It tell us the story of the braveheart, from his childhood to how through sheer courage and bravery, he won the war for India and also made the nation proud.
  • The book retells the last and most climactic confrontation in the long-drawn battle for Italy in the Second World War.
  • The battle of Dien Bien Phu ranks among the most well known epic battles. This story, told by Howard R. Simpson, recounts that story of this battle, which is very crucial to the Vietnam War.