Defence – Independent Indian Publishing House


  • This is a captivating account of the war in Korea.. It was a war in which full scale Chinese army clashed for the first time with a western one. Communist Psychological warfare techniques were used but above all, it was a war bedevilled and complicated by power struggles between generals and statesmen.
  • This book provides an indepth account of the war that divided the Korean Peninsula and left an ever-lasting scar.
  • This controversial book, written by Brigadier J P Dalvi, laid bare the caustic truth behind Indian crushing defeat in the hands of China in 1962.
  • Advances in technology have set the stage for a major shift in how we fight wars and gather intelligence. Drones - cheap and plentiful - are poised to support and, in some cases, supplant current weapons, at a fraction of the cost. Not everyone is convinced. How can small drones with limited battery life stay in the air long enough to achieve anything on a strategic scale? And how can anything so small make an impact? But with new tchnology that allows drones to draw energy from the environment and swarms of thousands of drones acting together, their impact is anything but small. From anti-personnnel weapons to miniature demolition devices and high-temperature incendiaries, new technology is making small drones into true engines of destruction. The high cost of miliary aircraft, the rise of biomimetic technology, advances in the science of swarming behaviour - all of these are leading us to a future where drone swarm rules the skies. "Swarm Troopers" will show you what that future looks like and explore whether or not we''ll be ready for both the opportunities and threats it may bring.
  • " The 1979 China-Vietnam War had important consequences for Southeast Asia but has received little attention in the West. Using a variety of official sources from the governments of the United States, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, and the UN, as well as a host of books and scholarly journals, Hood has put together an account that seeks, as he writes in the introduction, '(to) be easily understood by the informed nonspecialist, and yet enlighten the Asian scholar or specialist in conflict studies seeking greater understanding of this ongoing power struggle." The book does exactly that, in a most effective manner...An excellent selection for academic and larger public libraries." -    Library Journal
  • This book is one of the best books written on the 1965 war.It offers a comprehensive understanding of the roots of Indo-Pak conflict. Fcousing on the 1965 war, this book begins with discussing the game plan of the major world powers that affected the Indo-Pak War. It offiers a very useful and informative account of the lineage, growth, weaponry, ethos, and operational doctrines of the Armies and Air Forces of India and Pakistan. The easy style and quick pace of the book make it stand out among other books on the war.
  • This book is a brief account of the course of the war that took place in Vietnam between 1945 and 1973. It was the type of struggle that gained prominence in the 20th Century and is usually referred to as Guerrilla warfare.
  • This book provides a simple outline of the Arab-Israeli Wars 1967-1973 with clear maps and also provides a biography of General Moshe Dayan for students for easy study.
  • This is a detailed account of the daily observations and recordings of the victory in South-east Asia against the Japanese and the great role of Maj-Gen Wingate. This book shows how the joint forces collaborated to achieve victory.
  • War in Malaya

    The war in Malaya is important as it was the first large scale campaign to be fought within British or British protected territory. It was also the first experience of a campaign fought with modern weapons in jungle warfare conditions.
  • "The Duels of the Himalayan Eagle describes the First Air War between India and Pakistan. Commencing from an analysis of the two air force and their concept of operations, every significant aerial and ground engagement has been covered in detail. These include Pakistani raids on Pathankot and Kalaikunda, Indian ventures into Sargodha, Badin and Peshawar as well as various aerial engagements. These stories are based on the narratives of the air warriors involved in the operations or records maintained on a daily basis in the squadron diaries by various units during the period of the war. Pakistani disastrous Para drops near Paathnkot, Adampur and Halwara in the West and Guwahati in the East have been covered in detail. The travails narrates by seven air warriors who became POWs have also been included. Finally, the author has dissected the entire air war and has put down his own conclusions- probably the first such attempt by an Indian author. "
  • Maneuver warfare can be thought of as military judo. Its about fighting smart, out thinking your opponent. It offers the fighting soldier the best hope of winning battles, campaigns and wars they may face in the future.
  • This biography movingly protrays the planning and implementation behind the greatest invasion the world has ever known - Operation Overlord.He describes the whole plan behind D Day and the battle of Normandy.
  • Here is the official report of the Pakistan army for the 1947-49 operations.
  • The 1965 conflict between India and Pakistan may not rank among major wars, but within their limited resources, the two nations did manage to fight each other to a standstill. This book has perspective as well as detail. Major General Shaukat Riza visualises each aspect of the war in its entirety and does justice to al the operations carried out in course of the war.
  • This is the true account of the most significant battle of WW II in the eastern front: the battle for Hong Kong.
  • The moral strength of the fighting soldier and the spirit to stand up in the face of the enemy despite the threat to one’s life – is what makes on a soldier. This book discusses the tenets of such willpower and how to fight fear.
  • Popularly known as the 'Desert Fox', Erwin Rommel earned the respect of both the sides because of his stature as a master strategist during World War II.
  • This book provides the composite story of the Burma campaign. The author has explained the important aspect of operations in logical sequence and in lucid style, bringing out clearly the application of the principles of war. All the chapters in this book have been well arranged and give a continuous picture of the many events as they took place. The strategic, tactical and administrative problems that were tackled have also been well brought out. The factual information in this book and large numbers of maps and sketches will be useful to students of military history, particularly to those preparing for their promotion and Staff College Entrance examinations. This book also carries a well-researched and concise biography of Field-Marshal Viscount Slim.
  • The war in Afghanistan has become one of the most complex, challenging operations in the history of the US military. Using first-hand account of the men and women who fought in Operation Enduring Freedom, this book presents an intensely personal history of the war in Afghanistan, revealing the determination, heroism, sacrifice, and strength of spirit that came to form the fabric of the conflict. From the grand strategic view of high level commanders, to the perspective through the soldier's gunsight, the truck driver's window, and the airman's cockpit, this is a fascinating and moving look at America's longest war.
  • This book narrates the saga of the nail-biting 100-hour battle for Golan Heights between Israel and Syria.
  • The noted military historian Maj. General D.K. Palit analyses one of the most innovative battles in modern times: battle for Italy in WWII.
  • On the Trail of a Lion is a unique, first-hand and often chilling account of the turmoil in Afghanistan over the past 20 years, an exposé of the heroes and the villains of the history and a most human story of one man, Ahmed Shah Massoud, and his vision for his country. The book concludes with an analysis of Afghanistan in the turbulent post-Massoud era.