Biography – Independent Indian Publishing House


  • Ranjit Singh

    Sinha's work brings together a mass of information on Ranjit Singh as a soldier, a great diplomat and an exemplary statesman. After the collapse of the Mughal Dynasty, Ranjit Singh, founder of the Sikh rule in Punjab, steered his ambition to expand Sikh power in the face of Afghans in North West India and the British East India Company. The book gives a detailed account of how Ranjit Singh navigated his relationship with the Afghans on the one hand and his Indian and British neighbours ( The East India Company) on the other. The author also meticulously lays out information on the government, institutions and policies under the rule of Ranjit Singh, inclduing an estimate of the Sikh military system. The Sikhs formed one of the most formidable mlitary powers in India.
  • Liddell Hart set out to cover T E Lawrence and the Arab Revolt but as his research grew and his interaction with Lawrence increased, so did the scope of this remarkable biography. What emerged was a man of reflection, of action, liked by many and disliked by many - but as Liddell Hart writes, that is true for any outstanding figure of his time and Lawrence did stand tall, in all that he achieved and in the decisions he took. And what binds both categories of viewpoints on Lawrence is a common admiration for him. The book talks about his achievements, character, and qualities of leadership. It is a testimony to his transcendent powers. Since Liddell Hart is a military historian, the book is a parallel account of the psychology of a warrior, with timeless lessons for officers today.
  • Known as the Father of India’s Space Programme, Vikram Sarabhai’s interests included space and nuclear energy, architecture, industry and business, institution building, management development, arts, music, and theatre. He was a scientist and an entrepreneur, an educator, and a businessman. When he passed away unexpectedly at the young age of 52, he left behind a legacy few can match, having set up internationally reputed institutions and organisations that have made India proud and put us on the world map. "Dr. Sarabhai was a young person with great wisdom. There is a French saying that "if age could do and youth had wisdom, it would be a wonderful combination". Vikram Sarabhai had that combination. He was a fine blend of the thinker and doer. No one can lead a meaningful life today without combining the two." – Indira Gandhi